Weekly Volcano Blogs: Walkie Talkie Blog

Posts made in: May, 2011 (216) Currently Viewing: 31 - 40 of 216

May 6, 2011 at 5:38am

5 Things To Do Today: Thaddy P's fish fry, 72-Hour Film Competition Viewing Party, "Coppelia," Broam and Galaxy, and more ...

Grab some funk and fish tonight at O'Malley's.

FRIDAY, MAY 6, 2011 >>>

1. Sometimes opportunities come from strange places. Like the Weekly Volcano's 5 Things To Do, not that these tidbits are strange, of course. But, you know - and once again we digress. Anyway, opportunities. Funk and fish ‘n' chips, together, at once.  Another installment of Thaddy P's fish fry goes down at O'Malley's Irish Pub tonight. We're talking all-you-can-eat fish and chips and DJ Thaddy P spinning funk, hip-hop-New Wave, old school - that's damn near everything. Great opportunity tonight.

2. Two weeks ago, 30 filmmaking teams spent a frantic 72 hours putting together a short film - writing, casting, shooting and editing - on the fly. The teams received four elements from organizer The Grand Cinema that must be included in the finished film. The results are sometimes funny, sometimes serious, sometimes creepy, but always more accomplished than the tight schedule would suggest. The 72-Hour Film Competition Viewing Party will be at 7 p.m. inside the rialto Theater. See what's possible on a big screen with only 72 hours, plenty of coffee and a lot of imagination.

3. The Lance Buller Trio will perform your favorite jazz classics while you enjoy a grilled ribeye steak and Manhattan beginning at 7 p.m. inside Maxwell's Speakeasy in Tacoma.

4. A doll comes to life, love triangles, illusions, doubles - the story of Coppelia is just as intriguing and fanciful today as it was in 1870. Ballet Northwest presents this classic tale of bizarre love at 7:30 p.m. inside the Washington Center.

5. You know what the first Friday of the month means. No, not when you finally make this month's rent payment. Nope, it means First Fridays at the Tempest Lounge when DJ Broam and Bobby Galaxy spin variations of the righteous bass, beginning at 9:30 p.m.

PLUS: Check out the Weekend Hustle for more events today such as Retrospect, Tim Conway and a bunch of stage shows.

LINK: More arts and entertainment events in the South Sound

LINK: Movies open today

May 6, 2011 at 12:30pm

SATURDAY: Free Comic Book Day

FREE COMIC BOOK DAY: Stormtroopers eat this shit up.


What's the best way to get people excited about something? Free stuff.

Check that. Free stuff and Imperial stormtroopers.

When the number one goal of the free stuff is the promotion of literacy in children, teens and adults, it's a win for everybody.

Thus, on the first Saturday of every May since 2002, stores across North America have joined with every publisher they can find to give away comic books - it's called Free Comic Book Day. Major operators like Marvel, DC and Disney provide stacks of recognizable characters, from Spider-Man to Mickey Mouse, while small independent publishers like Aspen, Oni and Top Shelf take the opportunity to draw some much-needed attention to themselves.

According to local comic peddler John Munn, "There is literally something for everyone, young and old, whether it's your first comic ever or your four thousandth."

To read Joe Izenman's full article on Free Comic Book Day, click here.

Filed under: All ages, Events, Tacoma, Olympia,

May 6, 2011 at 12:31pm

CUP CHECK: A hockey card that's worth more than your soul

Cup Check can be found every week in the classifieds section of the Weekly Volcano. We're not sure why.


Well, now we're really in the throes of it. The draft is over. The lockout has been (at least temporarily) reinstated. And it's about as officially the OFF-SEASON as it can get in the NFL. Usually the league limps us through the down periods with free agency, or mini-camps, or OTAs. But not this year. This year it's cold turkey, unless the billionaires and millionaires can figure it out. Soon there won't even be the NBA playoffs on TNT to distract you.

Luckily, we have stories like this one ... which has "kids are starving in third world countries but I don't give a s***" charm written all over it.

According to the Associated Press, Wayne Gretzky's NHL rookie card brought in a literally disgusting $94,163 during an online sports memorabilia auction Sunday, May 1. SCP Auctions, an auctioneer and private seller of sports memorabilia out of Laguna Niguel California, tells the AP that this is the highest amount ever paid for a hockey card. SP Auctions had no comment on what kind of person spends three times the yearly salary of an inner city elementary teacher on a f***ing hockey card, nor were they likely asked. In fairness to whoever laid down the chunk of change, however, the Gretzky rookie card is reported to be in flawless mint condition.

To read this week's full Cup Check column, including news on Jose Canseco's Twitter habits and more on how reality TV is ruining life as we know it, click here.

Filed under: Sports, Comedy,

May 6, 2011 at 12:32pm

BEHIND BARS: The Christmas Card

Going "Behind Bars" with Nikki Talotta is always entertaining


I've been a bartender for a long time. I have met countless freaks, jerks, pervs, sweethearts, rockstars and crazies. Even though it's a physically and mentally exhausting job, these are the colorful people that make it all worthwhile. Well, that and the tips.

I'd like to share with you some of my personal experiences behind the bar, along with the stories from some of my fellow bartenders. Each week - under the clever heading of "Behind Bars" - I will dig into my memory bank - and the incident log books that all bars keep - to bring you some of my favorite stories.

Names of bars, bartenders and patrons have been changed or withheld to protect the innocent.

And the not so innocent.


This week...

The Christmas Card

Needless to say, bars attract creeps. It's the skilled bartender who can sniff these jerks out, give ‘em the boot, and keep the atmosphere comfortable for all.

But sometimes, these douches slither right under the radar, blending in with the regular folks and perving all the way.

Like a regular I had years ago. Let's call him "George."

George would come in, polite as can be, if not a little socially awkward. He was respectful, tipped on occasion, and never got too wasted. He seemed like a good customer to have.

Until "The Christmas Card."

Just like any business, bars collect their share of Christmas cards from patrons. This particular year was no exception; we had a handful of cards to open, read and hang.

We received a card from "George."  On the cover a snowman glittered and smiled. Inside the card read "Happy Holidays," followed by a message of thanks and good cheer.

And then the kicker: The pervert in "George" just couldn't stay hidden any longer. Scrawled in blue pen, underneath the warm wishes, "George" had written, "And tell Nikki my right hand hurts from thinking about her so hard."

Gross. George was 86'd.

Goes to show, you can't judge a book by its cover.

Or in this case, a Christmas card.


LINK: The Backpack

LINK: Say Cheese!

LINK: The importance of details

LINK: Exotic tastes

LINK: Lactose intoxicated

LINK: Thanks for playing!

LINK: After hours trivia

LINK: Bartending abroad

LINK: Oh puck!

LINK: 86'd

LINK: More Aural Adventures

LINK: Big & Rich

LINK: Tales From the Incident Log Book

LINK: The Tip Jar

LINK: Aural Adventures

LINK: Smooth Transitions

LINK: The Pooper

Filed under: Behind Bars, Comedy,

May 6, 2011 at 2:30pm

SATURDAY: "Desert of Forbidden Art"

Filmmaker Tchavdar Georgiev and Amanda Pope will be in Olympia Saturday for the first showing of "Desert of Forbidden Art"


How unlikely was it that 40,000 works of Russian avant-garde art, forbidden by the former Soviet Union, would be housed in a museum in Uzbekistan?

When told about the museum, filmmaker Tchavdar Georgiev at first didn't even believe it.

"We heard about this incredible collection in the middle of the desert," says Georgiev, who lived in Russia until he was seven-years-old and speaks the language fluently. "I said, ‘That is simply impossible. There can be nothing of any value there.' So we didn't go."

Impossible but true, as he found out and is now sharing with the world via Desert of Forbidden Art, screening in Olympia May 7-12. Georgiev and fellow filmmaker Amanda Pope, a professor at the University of Southern California, will speak at the first screening Saturday.

To read Molly Gilmore's full article on Desert of Forbidden Art, click here.

Desert of Forbidden Art with filmmakers

Saturday, May 7, 6:30 p.m.

$8.50, $5.50 for Olympia Film Society members, $4 for kids

Film screens daily through May 12

Capitol Theater, 206 Fifth Ave. S.E., Olympia

360.754.6670 or olympiafilmsociety.org or desertofforbiddenart.com

Filed under: All ages, Arts, Screens, Olympia,

May 6, 2011 at 3:33pm

TACOMA WEEK IN REVIEW: "Yes we canabis!"


Around 9:30 a.m. Thursday morning I was woken by the sound of chanting protestors gathering across the street from my apartment in front of the City of Tacoma Municipal Building. "Yes we cannabis!" was the rallying call of day (a not-so-subtle nod to President Obama's election slogan, if you're new to America). Many held signs with slogans like "Marijuana is safer than alcohol," "Pain or Pot?" or my personal favorite for its frank honesty, "Need my Weed."

As you'll recall, Tacoma has been dragging its feet making a determination about what to do with the medical marijuana dispensaries, and in ruling on civil suits filed by local cannabis dispensaries, as it waits for potential policy setting legislation from the Legislature in Olympia. Thursday, Tacoma City Hearing Examiner Rodney Kerslake granted a 60-day continuance on the appeals cases of dozens local medical marijuana dispensaries facing the possible revocation of their city business licenses.

If the Legislature fails to accomplish anything during this year's session, the problem will be right back where it started.  Tacoma has been banking on Olympia clarifying our state's well-meaning but poorly written medical marijuana law since at least last October, when all medical marijuana dispensaries in the city received cease and desist letters citing licensing violations, only to have the City Council issue a last-minute stay of execution under enormous pressure from dispensary proponents and medical marijuana patients.

To read the full column by Zach Powers click here.

Filed under: Tacoma, Community, Politics,

May 6, 2011 at 4:46pm

Congratulations Christopher Wood!


Just got this press release via the ol' email. Seems congratulations are in order to the Volcano's Christopher Wood ...

Tacoma Art Place Announces Video Contest Winner
Tacoma, WA - Non-profit arts organization Tacoma Art Place (TAP) has announced that Christopher Wood is the winner of their 2nd Annual Video contest. Sponsored by Comcast, the contest encourages amateurs and professional filmmakers to create a video "commercial" that promotes the mission of Tacoma Art Place.

Wood's submission tells the story of a local woman inspired, by public art within the City of Tacoma, to find her own creativity. Wood wins a $250 cash prize, and exposure on the Comcast website, www.comcastinwashingtonstate.com and the TAP website, www.tacomaartplace.org.

Walter Neary, Public Relations Director for Comcast said, "The image of the woman reaching out to the art speaks powerfully to how we all need and reach for methods of self-expression. That need to create images of our inner selves and our thinking is part of what makes us people and is something that unites us as human beings. Tacoma Art Place is a wonderful place where people can find their art, and is a magnificent resource for the Hilltop and the rest of Tacoma."

Tacoma Art Place is a non-profit art center (with 501c3 charitable status) in the heart of the revitalized MLK neighborhood. For more information visit www.tacomaartplace.org.

Filed under: Arts, Tacoma, Screens,

May 6, 2011 at 5:33pm

COMMENT OF THE DAY: Classic Ken Balsley


Today's comment comes from Mike Jackson in response to Christian Carvajal's recent cover story on Lacey's Ken Balsley, one interesting character.

Jackson writes,

This is classic Ken, always bringing up the uncomfortable truth and sticking his nose in where the politicians feel nobody should be allowed. He is often the only reporter at public hearings in Thurston County. Ken is not a gadfly trying to undo the system. He is, above all, a reporter. However in my experience he does not swear that much...

Filed under: Comment of the Day, Lacey,

May 7, 2011 at 12:53am

5 Things To Do Today: Free Comic Book Day, Kentucky Derby Party, Tinkerer's Technologies and more ...

Alex Henshaw of Comic Book Ink in Lakewood has free comics for you today.

SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 >>>

1. It's our guess that The New Frontier Lounge's Kentucky Derby Party will be filled with a bunch of julep-jolly people who don't know how to read the Daily Racing Form, the sort of people who bet on the horse with the cutest name or the longest tail. And that's awesome. After all, the Derby is a party event. Gonzo journalist Hunter Thompson told stories of sloshed Kentucky colonels puking all over their white suits at the annual event held on the first Saturday of May. The Derby is a carnival best experienced through a slight haze, and The New Frontier will do its bets to recreate such an atmosphere from 3-6 p.m. Wear a big freakin' hat.

2. Nerds everywhere squeal! Free Comic Book Day is pretty self-explanatory, a holiday to celebrate the graphic land of the comic book. Numerous South Sound spots will be celebrating with appearances, characters and, most importantly, free comics. Check it here.

3. From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., as part of National Preservation Month, the City of Olympia will be celebrating the region's music at The Olympia Farmer's Market. The program will include Native American performer Paul Wagner; The Evergreen Chinese Music Ensemble; Vivian & Phil Williams playing the music of the Lewis & Clark expedition; and Vince Brown, Paul Anastasio and Cary Black will crank out swing and novelty tunes from the '20s and '30s.

4. Sustainable Tacoma-Pierce County hosts a Tinkerer's Technologies event featuring discussions on rocket stoves, thermal air heaters, passive hot water and more at 1 p.m. inside King's Books. Those awesome drawing plans you have on converting pencil erasers into floor tiles that generate power are welcomed.

5. The Jerry Miller Trio will perform at 9:30 p.m. inside Doyle's Public House.

PLUS: Check out the Weekend Hustle for more events today such as Dockyard Derby Dames bingo and the Tacoma Wine Classic.

LINK: More arts and entertainment events in the South Sound

May 7, 2011 at 8:13am

BOBBLE TIKI: Breastfest III & the Missionary Position

Bobble Tiki launches three questions at one lucky victim every week at weeklyvolcano.com


In its third year, this Sunday's Breastfest III at the Swiss will specifically aid Diana McCasey's cancer fighting efforts; a cancer survivor, McCasey is participating in the Climb to Fight Breast Cancer, climbing Mount Kilimanjaro - an effort that will raise at least $10,000, with 75-80 percent of it going to the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

No stranger to Music Giving Back events, Jeff Angell's the Missionary Position - currently putting the finishing touches on a follow up to Diamonds in a Dead Sky -- will be on a Breastfest III bill that also includes Radio Edit, the Stoned Evergreen Travelers and an awesome reunion performance by old school Tacoma favorites Sea Jayne Trip. Thankfully, so you don't have to put up with much more of Bobble Tiki's drivel, Angell was kind enough to sit down with the Weekly Volcano this week for three questions ...

To read Three Questions with Bobble Tiki featuring Jeff Angell of the Missionary Position, click here.

Filed under: Music, Benefits, Tacoma,

About this blog

News and entertainment from Joint Base Lewis-McChord’s most awesome weekly newspapers - The Ranger, Northwest Airlifter and Weekly Volcano.

Recent Comments

Walkie Talkies said:

Thanks for posting! But I want say that Walkie Talkies are really required while organizing fun...

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Humayun Kabir said:

Really nice album. I have already purchased Vedder's Album. Listening to the song of this album,...

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AndrewPehrson said:

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Shimul Kabir said:

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about Eddie Vedder’s "Ukulele Songs" available today - and I don’t hold a candle to that shit

marble exporters in India said:

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